Despite the large success of small businesses across the state, many recognize the challenges that small business owners and entrepreneurs face in launching and expanding their businesses.
Part of the Greater Phoenix Chamber’s Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) program is connecting small business owners to the resources they need to thrive.
Since 2015, the Chamber and the BRE program partners have conducted more than 4,000 collective BRE outreach visits.
In addition to the BRE visits, the Chamber offers small business and entrepreneurial resources to companies seeking guidance.
In the Greater Phoenix region, there are several small business assistance programs and organizations to help entrepreneurs overcome challenges limiting their businesses.
Maricopa Small Business Development Center
The Maricopa Small Business Development Center (SBDC) focuses on helping businesses at every level. From individuals looking to launch a business or established business owners who need advice and guidance to grow, the Maricopa SBDC can help.
With eight Valley locations, the Maricopa SBDC assists emerging and growing businesses by providing the professional expertise, tools, and information necessary to make sound business decisions in a complex and ever-changing marketplace. To date, they’ve helped thousands of businesses succeed.
The Maricopa SBDC provides business counseling, training, online classes, and other connections for business throughout the Valley. Specifically, their resources can help entrepreneurs build a business plan, navigate complicated employment issues, develop the skillsets to manage their financials, and learn best practices from other business owners.
During the past year, the Chamber connected a start-up company that was struggling to survive to the Small Business Development Center (SBDC). The business owner took the Business Financials course and credited the course with “saving her business.
For business owners seeking more city-specific information, the City of Phoenix is prepared to assist them with valuable connections to vital information.
The City of Phoenix’s Business Retention and Expansion services provide needed expertise to business owners struggling to grow.
After finding out that a local business needed financial assistance for building renovations, they were directed to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and received $125,000.
As the region’s economy continues to expand, it’s vital that the community supports small businesses.
For more information on resources available to business, check out the Greater Phoenix Chamber’s resource page.