Submit proposals to:
Greater Phoenix Chamber Foundation
Attn: Jennifer Mellor at [email protected]
For questions, please call 602-495-6491
Project Description: The Greater Phoenix Chamber Foundation (Foundation) is soliciting proposals from qualified persons or firms (“Consultants”) to enter into an Agreement for Professional Services in the planning and development of ElevateEdAZ while our Director is on maternity leave. The Consultant will work with the Foundation’s Chief Innovation Officer and other consultants to develop and expansion plan, completion of the Pathway Analysis and Pathway Improvement Plans and assist in the continued refinement of ElevateEdAZ.
General Information
1.1 Summary Scope of Work
The Foundation is soliciting proposals from qualified Consultants to enter into an Agreement for Professional Services for 10-15 hours of services per week from February 1 – May 31, 2022. This individual will work with the Chief Innovation Officer to develop an expansion plan for ElevateEdAZ. The Consultant will also work with Insightful Education to finalize the Pathway Analysis and Pathway Improvement Plan.
1.2 Background
The Greater Phoenix Chamber Foundation (the Foundation) convenes and catalyzes business, education, and community to enhance college and career readiness, develop a stronger workforce, and build healthier communities throughout Arizona. The Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit organization, leads the charitable and education initiatives of the Greater Phoenix Chamber under the four pillars of education, workforce development, wellness, and research.
ElevateEdAZ prepares individuals for college and career through stronger alignment between education, business, and the community. ElevateEdAZ currently has five partner schools in two school districts in Arizona. Thanks to additional funding, ElevateEdAZ is projected to expand to six additional schools and two additional districts in the 2022-2023 school year.
1.3 Scope of Work
The Consultant will be responsible for leading the above expansion plan, in partnership with the Chief Innovation Officer. The Consultant will also work with Insightful on strategic progress for ElevateEdAZ, including but not limited to the Pathway Analysis and Pathway Improvement plan.
Key deliverables include:
- Develop ElevateEdAZ Expansion Plan
Once awarded the contract, the Consultant will work with staff to develop criteria for expansion schools and districts and related MOUs, timelines and other process documentation.
- Review and Finalize Metrics and Reports
The Consultant will work with Insightful Education and the Chamber’s marketing team to ensure timely publication of the Pathway Analysis and Pathway Improvement Plan. The Consultant will also work with staff and LeadLocal to ensure tracking of appropriate metrics and submission of grant reports on a timely basis.
2.1 Qualifications
The Consultant will have a proven track record of project management with experience in education working with administration and faculty. The Consultant will employ excellent communication skills, both verbal and written.
2.2 Timeline
The term of this agreement will run from February 1 to May 31, 2022.
RFP Instructions
3.1 Proposal Deadline
Proposals are due no later than Monday, January 31, 2022 at 5:00PM MST.
All proposals must be delivered to: Jennifer Mellor at [email protected] before the due date. Late proposals may not be considered. Confirmation of receipt will be provided. If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact Jennifer at 602-495-6491.
3.2 Proposal Requirements
Vendor’s qualifications experience and references
1) Provide resume, including background and qualifications.
2) Describe experience doing similar work and accomplishments relevant to this scope of work from the last two years.
Fee Schedule
Detail all costs incidental to the contract in your proposal. Vendor will not be allowed to charge for costs not listed in the proposal.