Submit proposals to:
Greater Phoenix Chamber Foundation
Attn: Paul Sanders at [email protected]
For questions, please call 602-495-6489
Project Description: The Greater Phoenix Chamber Foundation (Foundation) is soliciting proposals from qualified marketing firms (Firm) to enter into an Agreement for Professional Services in the continuation and further development of the Build Your Future Arizona (BYF Arizona) career awareness campaign. The Firm will work with the BYF Arizona Steering Committee, Workforce Development Manager, and Chief Innovation Officer to continue and refine the awareness campaign. The firm will be responsible for creative development and marketing execution across social media and other marketing strategies. The goal of the BYF Arizona campaign is elevate the perception of the construction trades and encourage individuals to pursue careers in construction.
General Information
1.1 Summary Scope of Work
The Foundation is soliciting proposals from a qualified Firm to enter into an Agreement for Marketing Services for the periods July 1 – December 31, 2022 and January 1 – June 30, 2023. Separate contracts will be required as the budget is subject to change pending funding. The Firm will conduct a focus group of BYF Arizona Steering Committee members to ensure aligned priorities, develop a marketing plan based on focus group feedback, develop creative, and manage execution of media plan.
1.2 Background
The Greater Phoenix Chamber Foundation (the Foundation) convenes and catalyzes business, education, and community to enhance college and career readiness, develop a stronger workforce, and build healthier communities throughout Arizona. The Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit organization, leads the charitable and education initiatives of the Greater Phoenix Chamber under the four pillars of education, workforce development, wellness, and research.
Build Your Future Arizona is a construction careers awareness campaign started in October of 2019 and led by industry leaders. The initiative was launched to address the growing shortage of skilled trade professionals.
1.3 Scope of Work
The Firm will be responsible for creating necessary BFY Arizona content and media management. Build Your Future Arizona is built upon NCCER’s Build Your Future initiative and has been localized for Arizona. All content must adhere to NCCER’s standards and should include culturally relevant English and Spanish content.
Key deliverables include:
- Conduct Focus Group of BFY Arizona Steering Committee
Upon award, Firm will conduct a focus group to understand strategic priorities and future direction for the campaign.
- Further Develop and Refine Campaign
Based on feedback from the focus group, Firm will develop a marketing plan for the next 12 months and develop strategies to achieve those outcomes, along with timelines, proposed budget allocation and other process documentation.
- Content Development
The Firm will create content for: the website, five major social media platforms, email campaigns, monthly job seeker and investor newsletters, outdoor, and up to four events throughout the year.
- Media Management
The firm will execute the approved paid media management strategies, including planning, buying campaign setup, budget management and optimizations and monthly performance reporting. The Firm is not responsible for earned media and public relations and would be requested to run any recommended pitches through the Foundation’s PR team.
- Review and Finalize Metrics and Reports
The Firm will work with the Workforce Development Manager to develop and provide numbers for all measurable outcomes in a monthly KPI Tracker.
2.1 Qualifications
The Firm will have a proven track record of successful marketing campaigns with experience in industry awareness and workforce development. The Firm must have a proven track record in successful campaigns targeting 18- to 35-year-olds, diverse ethnic and racial groups, and Gen Z.
2.2 Timeline
Upon award, the term of this agreement will be broken into two contracts from July 1 to December 31, 2022 and from January to June 30, 2023.
RFP Instructions
3.1 Proposal Deadline
Proposals are due no later than Monday, May 23, 2022, at 5:00PM PST.
All proposals must be delivered to: Paul Sanders at [email protected] before the due date. Late proposals may not be considered. Confirmation of receipt will be provided. If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact Paul at 602-495-6489.
3.2 Proposal Requirements
The proposal should include key strategies for the Build Your Future Arizona campaign, including suggested media tactics and expected performance. The proposal should also include the following elements:
Vendor’s qualifications experience and references
1) Provide recap of Firm’s experience, including background and qualifications.
2) Provide portfolio and experience doing similar work, along with accomplishments relevant to this scope of work from the last two years.
3) Membership with the Greater Phoenix Chamber is required upon reward.
Fee Schedule
Detail all costs incidental to the contract in your proposal. Vendor will not be allowed to charge for costs not listed in the proposal. Fees should not exceed $485,000.