- For the first two weeks of February there were 53,167 unique users of the Cox free Super Wi-Fi hotspot.
- Usage more than quadrupled comparing free Super Wi-Fi hotspot usage on Super Bowl Sunday compared to the first day the free Super Wi-Fi hotspot was available on Feb. 2.
- These users spent 1,375,087 total minutes using the Cox free Super Wi-Fi hotspot.
- The average user spent approximately 22 minutes online using the Cox free Super Wi-Fi hotspot.
WMPO free Cox Business Wi-Fi stats:
- There were 79,856 total unique users of the Cox Business free Wi-Fi at the WMPO. On Saturday alone, there were 31,251 unique users of the Cox Business free Wi-Fi at the. WMPO.
- Compared to 2022, there were approximately 50% more users of the Cox Business free Wi-Fi at the WMPO during the 2023 WMPO.