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February 2017 Legislative Session Update


Today marks the 47th day of the First Regular Session of Arizona’s 53rd Legislature. Both houses of the Legislature were a flurry of floor work this week, commonly known as “Transition Week.” During this time, senators and representatives rush to get their bills over to the opposite chamber to be considered during the final weeks of committee hearings.

Numerous Chamber-supported bills, including those pertaining to ADA lawsuit reform and initiative reform are advancing through the process. The GPCC Public Affairs team continues to work hard both supporting and opposing bills based on the effect they would have on the business community.

Click here to view all of the bills the Chamber supports or opposes.

Prop. 206: The Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce applauds the Arizona Supreme Court for agreeing in mid-February to hear the case filed by the Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry along with the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce and others seeking to show that Proposition 206 is unconstitutional based on violation of the revenue source rule in the Arizona Constitution.

The suit is also supported by Gov. Doug Ducey and Republican Legislative leadership.

Bill Spotlight: HB 2404
Bill: HB 2404 – Initiative Reform
Chamber position: Support
Status: Passed House
Primary Sponsor: Rep. Vince Leach

Summary: HB 2404 would enact reforms at the legislative level to create quality control measures to maintain the purity of the election system when it comes to the initiative and popular referendum process. The bills makes common-sense reforms to ensure signatures collected have time to be reviewed and enables filing a lawsuit if the signatures are found to be illegitimate.

Recommendation: GPCC supports this bill as an important business protection mechanism against out-of-state interests using Arizona’s initiative process as test bed for anti-business proposals.

We urge the members of the Legislature to join us in supporting HB 2404.

Bill Spotlight: SB 1198
Bill: SB 1198 – ADA Lawsuit Reform
Chamber position: Support
Status: Senate Floor
Primary Sponsor: Sen. John Kavanagh

Summary: During the past year, Arizona businesses of all sizes were targeted by unscrupulous attorneys filing Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) lawsuits. The lawsuits were not focused on compliance with ADA, but were instead attempts to extort money from business owners with often very minor violations at their businesses. SB 1198 mandates businesses be given a written notice of disability access violations before a civil suit can be filed, while also providing a cure period to allow a reasonable amount of time for businesses to reach compliance before being penalized financially. This remedy is the cleanest way to ensure ADA compliance while protecting businesses from frivolous lawsuits.

Recommendation: GPCC supports this bill and is monitoring other bills seeking to address this issue. After these lawsuits, the status quo is unacceptable.

We encourage the members of the Legislature to pass SB 1198. микрозайм

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