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Female Leaders at SRP Share Secrets to Success

SRP employees Caryn Gose, named one of the Most Influential Women in Arizona Business for 2019 by AZ Business Magazine, and Karla Moran, named one of North America’s Top 50 Economic Developers of 2019 by Consultant Connect.

Every year, the ATHENA Awards recognize women who demonstrate excellence in professional leadership, community service, and mentorship of future leaders. With the recent 2019 ceremony, SRP sat down with two of its own female leaders, Caryn Gose and Karla Moran, to talk about their paths to success. 

Of the contributions you’ve made in your professional life, which are you most proud of?
Gose: First I must give thanks to SRP for affording me the opportunity to serve my customers and community through participation on many business and nonprofit boards. I consider my membership on the Executive Board of East Valley Partnership to be the most gratifying. I am honored to serve on this board along with so many influential business people who have made such a positive impact on our community.

Moran: The contribution I most proud of is being on a team (with my internal partners as well as external city, state and regional partners) to help locate a company in our service territory that is truly trying to make a difference in the community that they operate in.

What lessons have you learned that have had the most impact on your professional success?
Gose: If you are organized, positive and engaged, people will mirror that same spirit in their interactions with you and others. I’ve also learned that small deeds can yield big rewards. I no longer shy away from getting involved based on how much I can contribute. I have found that even small efforts are highly valued.

Moran: One important lesson is to allow yourself to “fail forward.” This helps you make a positive change in your life. Failure is really just a learning experience on the way to massive success but may need a reminder once in a while.

What are your success habits? Is there anything you can recommend to help people achieve their goals?
Gose: When something is important to me, I strive to give it my best effort and leverage my strengths. However, I also believe that to be successful I must leverage the strengths of others. I’ve been so fortunate to work with many very talented individuals, especially my fellow members of the SRP Economic Development team.

Moran: I’m a member of an economic development book club where we read and discuss leadership books and how to advance our communities. One of the books I’m reading now is Ron Kitchens’ Uniquely You. Ron is an economic developer from Michigan whose focus is to assist leaders to accelerate their impact and well-being in career, family and community. Some other books I’ve read are The Storyteller’s SecretDare to LeadLeaders Eat LastGrit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, and Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City. займ на карту онлайн

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