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Meet the Public Affairs Chairwoman

Meet the Public Affairs Chairwoman
Susan Anable, Cox Communications

Susan Anable, Vice President of Government and Public Affairs, Southwest Region, has been with Cox Communications since 2001.  She is responsible for media relations, community relations, government affairs and internal communications for Cox in Arizona and Nevada. From 1991 to 2001, Susan was part of the Arizona State Senate Research Staff, serving as Staff Director and Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment Analyst when she left to join Cox in 2001.

Susan serves on the Executive Committee of the Arizona Chamber of Commerce, serving as Chair of the Board from 2018 – 2020. She is also currently serving her second term as Public Affairs Chair and Board member of the Greater Phoenix Chamber.

We asked Susan a few questions about her goals as the Chamber’s Public Affairs Chair, and why businesses should engage in our public policy activities.

What makes the Greater Phoenix Chamber’s public policy process and programming unique and beneficial to local business?

The Chamber’s rigorous and informed process for identifying and advocating for good public policy to support business is unique and effective.  Through the Chamber’s Issue Committees and member events, the Chamber exposes its members to key local policy makers and business-impacting policy issues. In addition, elected officials are eager to attend Chamber events and speak to the public policy committee.

Why should business owners and leaders be involved in the legislative process/local politics and what are your top tips for how they can get involved in.

Just because you don’t take an interest in politics, doesn’t mean it won’t take an interest in you.  There is no business that is exempt from some level of government regulation, policies, and taxes.  The Chamber provides a valuable benefit to its members and the business community, which is strong advocacy on behalf of our member businesses in the government policy-making arena.  The Chamber also provides many opportunities for members to be engaged in the legislative process and local politics.  There are several issue committees for members to participate in, and the best voice of the Chamber at the Capitol and City Hall is often the voice of the business owners and leaders directly.

What do you see as the top three public policy issues impacting Arizona businesses, and how can business leaders engage to ensure favorable outcomes for our economy and community?

While there are many issues important to Arizona businesses, the most pressing continue to be those issues that directly our ability to be successful serving our customers, including:

  1. tax policies
  2. governmental regulation, and
  3. education/workforce issues.

Lending your voice as a business to the Chamber’s voice is critical. Lawmakers listen to their constituents…you!  Pick up the phone or send them an email.  The Chamber shares positions and messaging with its members on the key policy issues…share your story about how it affects YOUR business.

What are your top three goals for your tenure as public affairs committee chairwoman?

1) Don’t mess up the great track record the Chamber has had the past several years at the Capitol and at City Hall in passing good policies for business and defeating bad ones.  Seriously, it is important to me to continue this great success.

2) Be transparent and clear with lawmakers about the issues that affect the business community…sometimes that means being courageous in the face of politically sensitive topics, but what’s at stake for the state is too important.

3)  I hope to seek and find even stronger alignment with other respected business organizations on key business issues so that the Board can lend its voice and unity on the issues that are most import to the broader business community. The broader these alliances are, the stronger we are.

Get engaged! Learn more about the Chamber’s Issue Committees, view the 2021-22 committee schedule, and sign up for public affairs updates online today!