The Greater Phoenix Chamber’s Public Affairs team works year-round to advocate for business at all levels of government. The Chamber’s experts monitor and engage on critical issues throughout the legislative and policymaking processes, vet political candidates based on set standards, and evaluate the impact of ballot measures on businesses. Through support from Chamber members, the Chamber boasts a large and collaborative approach to advocating for businesses.
Through our six issue committees, the Public Affairs program offers members the chance to have a voice in the Chamber’s policy priorities for the year. Members of each issue committee participate in reviewing legislative bills and local ordinances, hear presentations, and support or oppose business issues. Most importantly, the committees meet annually to develop guiding principles, which form the Chamber’s Public Policy Guide. The Public Policy Guide, as informed by the issue committees, serves as the guidepost used to take positions on key issues and inform lawmakers about the business community’s priorities.
The following is a short overview of the key issues each committee handles:
- Agriculture, Environment & Water Issue Committee: This committee supports environment, water, and natural resource policies that are reflective of Arizona’s unique needs.
- Budget & Tax Issue Committee: This committee works with other committees to identify policies that have a tax and/or fiscal impact.
- Education & Workforce Issue Committee: This committee works to enhance academic achievement and accountability while offering appropriate skills training that answers employment needs to create a more effective workforce.
- Insurance & Health Care Issue Committee: This committee supports strong insurance and health care markets that offer affordable options to Arizona’s businesses and residents.
- Legal & Regulatory Reform Issue Committee: This committee addresses a variety of legal issues including tort and regulatory reform, labor/union, ballot reform, and election/campaign finance reform.
- Transportation & Infrastructure Issue Committee: This committee supports the development and maintenance of a transportation system that improves mobility and connectivity for the region’s employers, goods, residents, and visitors.
Chamber members from every industry are invited to join the issue committees and participating in the processes of monitoring and vetting issues.
Make your voice heard and get involved in one of the Chamber’s issue committees! To learn more about participating, click here.
–Written by Annelise Patterson, Marketing & Communications Coordinator