“The Greater Phoenix Chamber has consistently advocated that individual employers should determine whether or not to mandate the vaccine for their employees. We generally oppose government mandates on both sides of the vaccine issue. The penalties against businesses who do not comply with this order are severe, at a cost of $14,000 per violation. This could quickly cause harm to smaller business who are already struggling with workforce, even if they are attempting to comply. It is certainly a concern that a government mandate will cause an increase in resistance to the vaccine. While a federal government mandate is not the method for which we would advocate for vaccinations, we have seen that vaccines are proving highly effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and limiting the severe effects of the virus. We have been active in promoting vaccinations and COVID-19 mitigation measures to our team and our members. Now more than ever, it will be crucial to educate people on the safety and efficacy of the vaccines, so that Americans and Arizonans can safely remain at work.”