Lindsay Hansen
PR Consultant
[email protected]
Date: June 30, 2022
PHOENIX – The Greater Phoenix Chamber urges Arizona voters to vote “yes” in support of Proposition 308, which would allow non-citizen students, except those considered to be “nonresident aliens” under federal law, to receive in-state college tuition when they attend school for at least two years and graduate from a public school, private school or homeschool in the state of Arizona.
The previous policy prohibited undocumented residents from receiving publicly funded services, including financial aid and college tuition. Due to this, Dreamers must pay 150% of in-state tuition and almost four times per credit hour to attend Arizona public community colleges.
The newly proposed referral would repeal provisions of Proposition 300 and allow non-citizen Dreamers to receive in-state college tuition, making the state’s economic future much more secure. It is estimated that Arizona has a $660,000 return for every single college graduate. Nearly 2,000 Dreamers graduate from Arizona high schools each year, many leaving the state to pursue more affordable higher education.
“There is no question that allowing Dreamers to receive in-state tuition is vital for a healthy future for the state of Arizona,” said Todd Sanders, Greater Phoenix Chamber President & CEO. “Not only is this essential for the health of our economy, but we also firmly believe that all Arizonans should be met with dignity, respect, and opportunity.”
According to current economic projections, the state is not nearly equipped with the workforce needed for the rapidly growing Arizona economy. Without this initiative, the health of Arizona’s economy could be in jeopardy. Members from both political parties and numerous business and community leaders in Arizona agree with this newly proposed referral. We look forward to working with partners such as the Chicanos Por La Causa Action Fund to inform voters between now and November about the economic benefits of passing Proposition 308.
About the Greater Phoenix Chamber
Representing 2,400 businesses across the Greater Phoenix region, the Greater Phoenix Chamber promotes regional prosperity by serving as a catalyst for economic vitality and strong communities. The Chamber pursues this mission by collaborating with business, political and community leaders to grow the regional talent pool, create a regional approach to economic development, and drive a pro-Arizona agenda.
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