Happy Golf Month! Have you noticed more of your friends and colleagues talking about their golf games? Well, you aren’t alone; the sport has seen a huge surge in popularity since 2020. I personally contributed to this increase by buying my first set of clubs in the fall of 2020 and taking lessons at one of the city golf courses. Like many people during the pandemic, I was looking for outdoor activities to give me a reason to leave my house. Since then, I have enjoyed getting to know the golf scene around the Phoenix Metro and would like to share a few tips in honor of Golf Month.
For those of you who are able to handle getting outside during the scorching summer, you can enjoy some incredible courses at a huge discount. I suggest investing in a cooling towel, self-misting fan, and insulated beverage holder to make the experience a bit more comfortable. If you want to avoid the heat but still improve your game, why not check out one of the many TopTracer Ranges in the Valley?
On top of the steep discounts on greens fees, several courses offer summer packages. For example, the Wigwam offers a summer six golf pass which allows you to play six rounds for only $175 and includes a lot of other perks like range passes and discounted guest greens fees. Another option is the unlimited golf pass for the Short Course at Mountain Shadows. If you are hoping to practice your game more than once a week, this pass may be a good option since it provides unlimited rounds through September 18th for $799. If you want to focus on your sand wedge game, the Grand Canyon University golf course offers unlimited rounds with cart and range balls for $200 per month during the summer.
My final suggestion for those of you golfing on a budget is to research city golf courses and loyalty cards. The City of Phoenix loyalty card gives Maricopa County residents discounted greens fees to eight courses, including Papago and Grand Canyon University. After purchasing the card, your first round is free, and then after that, you get a free round after each ten you pay for. Tempe has a similar Loyal-Tee program.
For those of you that enjoy a day on the links, I hope you enjoy Golf Month and get the opportunity to try something new!