SSC Underground was founded by the Veidmark family in Phoenix in 1969, where it still operates as a Veidmark-family owned business today. SSC performs underground utility construction services including horizontal boring & tunneling, vacuum excavation, utility potholing and hydro-excavation on commercial infrastructure projects across Arizona.
SSC’s co-founder and current CEO, Marcia Veidmark, recognized the need to get beyond the owner-operator focused entirely on the operations of the business in the early 2000’s. When she and her son, Arvid III, co-owner and President of SSC, joined the APS AAAME program in 2002, they were challenged to get involved in the community. The first place Marcia turned was the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, joining in 2003.
Since joining the Chamber, SSC has experienced significant growth and advancement alongside the Phoenix area, and the relationships, networking and leadership opportunities and programs that we have gained from the Chamber have helped us reach where we are today. In 2004 we were awarded the Chamber’s Small Business Award for Response to Adversity, a tremendous honor, that introduced us to what is now the Impact Awards program. SSC has been a proud sponsor and selection committee participant for the Impact Awards since that time and we are proud to be a part of this program that puts a spotlight on the hard work and innovation demonstrated by other Phoenix businesses.
The people that we have had the chance to meet and know through the Chamber have been a key benefit to our membership. Marcia served as a member of the Board of Directors in the 2000’s and SSC’s VP of Operations, Michelle Walker, is a current board member. Through this service the relationships built with other board members, staff members and the Chamber CEO’s including Valerie Manning, Katie Pushor and Todd Sanders have given us many valuable friendships and professional connections.
SSC’s current passion project with the Chamber Foundation is the Build Your Future Arizona campaign. Marcia has been a leader of this effort to bring a positive spotlight to the amazing career opportunities in construction since it began, and now several team members participate as ambassadors serving at career fairs, classroom presentations and educator externships. This campaign is such a great example of what the Chamber does for the community – bringing business, public agencies and education systems together to create solutions that help advance growth and development for the entire community!
To new Chamber members or those considering joining – the value of membership comes from getting involved! Starting with attending events with the goal of meeting one new person or learning about one new business to joining committees and serving on boards – the value is in the connections and relationships that are available. Couple that willingness to step out and get connected with a desire to benefit the business community as a whole rather than just seeking out personal gains – and you will be celebrating all the wins in 20 years as a Chamber member before you know it!