Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG)
MAG is a council of governments (COG) that serves as the regional planning agency for the metropolitan Phoenix area.
302 N. 1st Avenue, Suite 300
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Visit Phoenix
The visitor information center is located in the heart of Downtown Phoenix where information and recommendations are available on dining, sightseeing and cultural attractions.
Phoenix Convention Center West Building
125 N. 2nd Street, Suite 120
Phoenix, AZ 85004
(877) CALL-PHX
Arizona Office of Tourism
Serves as the research and marketing resource for the Arizona tourism industry and media representatives. Research data, marketing plans and program information regarding the Arizona Office of Tourism’s strategic program of work is available throughout this site.
100 N 7th Ave., Ste. 400, Phoenix, AZ 85007
Arizona Lodging & Tourism Association (AzLTA)
AzLTA works continuously to generate support and increase awareness of the profound impact the lodging and tourism industry has on Arizona jobs, tax revenues, and economic growth.
1240 E. Missouri Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85014