Qualified Facility Tax Credits Program: Refundable income tax credit for a manufacturing facility or a manufacturing-related research or headquarter facility.
Sales Tax Exemptions for Machinery and Equipment: A sales tax exemption for various machinery or equipment.
Renewable Energy Production Tax Credit: An individual or corporate income tax credit is available for taxpayers who own a qualified energy generator that first produces electricity from and after December 31, 2010 and before January 1, 2021, using a qualified energy resource.
Angel Investment Tax Credit: Provides credits to investors who make capital investments in small businesses certified by the ACA.
Military Re-use Zone (MRZ): If a project is located in a MRZ, it may qualify for tax credits, a TPT exemption or property reclassification.
Foreign Trade Zone: Businesses located in a zone or sub-zone are eligible for up to an 80% reduction in state real and personal property taxes.
Commercial and Industrial Solar Tax Credit Program: Provides an Arizona income tax credit for the installation of solar energy devices in Arizona business facilities.
For more detailed information on any of the resources listed above please contact Chief Innovation Officer, Jennifer Mellor at 602.495.6491 or email [email protected].