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Phoenix Sky Harbor Soaring as a Pillar of the Community

Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport is the front door to Arizona with an average of more than 130,000 travelers coming through the airport on any given day. In addition to serving passengers near and far that travel through Americaā€™s Friendliest AirportĀ®, Phoenix Sky Harbor takes pride in being a pillar for the community in the greater Phoenix area and throughout the state of Arizona.

Just last year, staļ¬€ from Phoenix Sky Harbor, which is owned and operated by The City of Phoenix Aviation Department participated in 224 outreach activities around our community and set records along the way, better serving the place we call home. Whether it was a community event, airport tour, or a speaking engagement, the airport connected with and reached more than 20,000 people from a broad range of businesses, community organizations, airline partners and schools.

Phoenix Sky Harbor was also honored to bring back the Wings for AutismĀ® event in partnership with The Arc of Arizona and American Airlines for the eighth time. The annual event supports members of our community and is designed to alleviate some of the stress that families who have a child with autism experience when traveling by air, serving as a rehearsal for families before they decide to ļ¬‚y.

The airport continues to strive to better serve our community members and customers dealing with dementia. In 2021, Phoenix Sky Harbor adopted a dementia friendly model that added special programing for those traveling with dementia. A focal point being the airportā€™s Dementia Friendly Air Travel Workshop that invited representatives from the airport, airlines, and TSA to share information and tips while answering questions from family members of those with dementia and care providers. Phoenix Sky Harbor was the ļ¬rst airport in the country to oļ¬€er this workshop and was recognized by Airports Council International ā€“ North America as the best Customer Experience Program for Large Airports as part of their Excellence in Airport Marketing, Communications and Customer Experience Awards.

Phoenix Sky Harbor is already looking forward to what 2024 has in store and is excited to continue as a strong community partner and leader. The airport plans to take part in several events that beneļ¬t and support our community. Including, once again Wings for AutismĀ®, the Wilson School District Fall Festival, Taking Flight at East Valley Institute of Technology (EVIT) Community Event, The Fiesta Bowl Parade, and many others.

Whether youā€™re ļ¬‚ying through Phoenix Sky Harbor or just visiting, community members and aviation enthusiasts can also enjoy a free guided tour on the second Tuesday and fourth Thursday of every month. Visitors can also take a self-guided tour and enjoy the Phoenix Airport Museum, dine at the various restaurants, even ride the PHX Sky TrainĀ® and take in scenic views of airplanes, surrounding mountains and the Phoenix skyline.

Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport is thrilled to serve our community and continues to instill a strong focus on giving back to the people of Arizona. To learn more about the airport, its programs, and services, visit